2016-01-20 61053


My Life’s Story

                                                                                              Sophia Song


         Many years before I succeeded in my career, I was a regular child like everyone else. I had faults and problems, but I learned to live with them. It took time, but I managed. Here’s how I began…

         On a breezy spring night on May 4th, someone was born. Someone born to Alex Song and Julie Chen. That was me, Sophia Song.

         When I was in kindergarten, I had not realized my talent in singing. However, I did like to do it. In fact, at my preschool Academy of Christian Education (ACE), my teacher often called me the teacher’s little singer. Even at that time, I had a liking for performing. Unlike many of my friends, I did not have stage fright. While they were reluctant to stand on stage and show others their skill, I would be simply delighted for a chance to show off my voice onstage – the more the audience, the better. Little did I know, I was soon going to have that chance.

         One of my best friends had a grandma who was a professional musician. She already knew that I had a good voice. So in the middle of 5th grade, she asked me if I would like to sing one of her songs at the Library of Congress with my two best friends. By this time, I had already recognized my musical talents and was taking professional lessons once a week. That was a very good opportunity for me to show my voice, so naturally, I accepted. After weeks of practice, I was at the Library of Congress! I had a great deal of fun performing there, and thought we all performed very well. This was my first ticket to the life that I now lead.

         In middle school, I took my “career” a bit farther. For one thing, I started taking professional singing lessons three times a week. For another, I won several awards at school for karaoke singing. My voice was really starting to stand out now. Yet, I did not know what it felt like to be on a really proper stage, like the ones those popular celebrities went on. I really wanted to go on a stage that was on a TV channel. Well, my dream came true.

         During my second year of High school, I was actually invited to perform onstage on TV. This was a huge milestone because I needed experience for onstage performances in my later life. So that year in May, I saw myself onstage on. I had practiced very hard, but I needed more chances to get the hang of it. Perhaps it was the thrill of seeing yourself onstage, but I did kind of freak out as I walked onto the big stage with so many pairs of eyes on me. However, I think this was part of my natural instinct, when I started singing,   I forgot my nervousness and started enjoying myself. Although my friends and family patted me on the back, congratulating me all the time, I wasn’t completely satisfied with myself. I had much more to improve on. I hoped fervently to have another chance to prove myself.

         There was a television show in China that allowed amateur performers to compete with each other. There were several rounds, each followed by a vote from the audience which eliminated the candidate with the least votes. In every round, the performers left to compete would work their magic and hope to pass the round.  In the end, only one player would be left and they would be awarded the trophy and fame. Potential but unprofessional celebrities went from unknown, to nationwide or maybe even worldwide famous celebrities. A few of those times that the show was on TV, I was the person awarded that pride. Now I was really rocking. Another improvement was that I has opened my own studio and had begun writing and recording my own songs. This turned out to be a very wise choice because I was soon the girl known as a young celebrity who was only in college.

         As soon as I came out of college, I was invited to sing at the annual Chinese new year celebration show. This show invited only the nation’s top artists, so I felt really honored. This performance was the most spectacular of the year. I worked long and hard for this show, because if I sang well this time, I would be asked to perform next time. As a result, every year after this one, I was asked. I put in great efforts for every single one. It seemed like nothing in my career would go wrong.

         When I was around middle age, competition got even harder. Many other singers wanted my spot too. I decided to do something extra to secure my place under the spot light. That year in July, I decided to audition for a TV show. It was my first time acting, but I got the job. It seems that I had a knack for anything filmed or onstage to the public. My plan worked perfectly. I still had a main career in singing, but I also popped up a few times in television shows and movies.

         By now, everyone who watched the news now knew me very well. I still had haters, like all the famous people I had grown up admiring, but I always told myself that I couldn’t be perfect and that I had tried my best. Despite these reassurances however, I still worked very diligently. My hard work had paid off well. From these events, I extracted the key in life. Keep working to a steady goal. I know, at least, that if I keep plunging on into the unknown future and keep trying, I will eventually reach it; no matter how impossible that task once seemed. In other words, nothing is impossible.

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