企管之道 企业家修炼
王文明:道德经英文 第五十章
2016-01-20 4679

第五十章  出生入死
出生入死。生之徒十有三; 死之徒十有三; 人之生,动之于死地,亦十有三。夫何故?以其生生之厚。盖闻善摄生者,路行不遇兕虎,入军不被甲兵;兕无所投其角,虎无所措其爪,兵无所容其刃。夫何故?以其无死地。

The Cycling fromBirth and Death

Men go forth intolife, And return in death.

Those coming to life occupy one third of allpopulation;

Those passing away occupy one third;

Those moving in between are one third.

Why is this cycling so?

It comes from the original power of life.

I have heard thatthose who celebrate life walk safely among the wild animals. When they go intobattle, they remain unharmed. The wild buffalo's horns find nothing to gore;the tiger's claws find nothing to tear; and weapons' points find nothing topierce.

Why is this so?

They flows in the waves of the Nature Mother,

Andhe is beyond theregion of death.




人显现有形而生, 入地无迹为死。处于生机勃勃阶段的生命有三分之一,向衰老方向发展的有三分之一,而处于中间成长发展阶段的人又占总量的三分之一三成。为什么会这样?那是因为生生不息,生与死是无限循环。


为何如此呢?是他们顺势而为, 无欲无求。

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