2016-01-20 38196

9月1日 1

1.Whydidn’t you tell me ?

2.Whydidn’t you wait for me?

3.Whydidn’t you call me?

4.Whydidn’t you let me know earlier?


A:Wherewere you yesterday?

B:Iwent to Kate’s birthday party.

A:Whydidn’t you call me ?


9月2日 2

1.Whatdo you recommend?

2.Whatdo you think?

3.Whatdo you suggest?

4.Whatdo you like?


A:Mrliu,It’s my plan.

What do you think?

B:Notbad,Keep on working.


9月3日 3

1.Iappreciate your help.

2.Iappreciate your cooperation.

3.Iappreciate your understanding

4.Iappreciate your courage.


A:Theproject went well;Thanks for your help.

B:Iappreciate your cooperation.

C:Sodo I,thank you very much.



9月4日 4

1.Don’tforget to invite Linda for dinner.

2.Don’tforget to tell him.

3.Don’tforget to take your ID-card.

4.Don’tforget to give me a call when you arrive.



B:I’llhave a party at my place tonight.

Will you come?

A:Terrific!I sure will.

B:Oh!Don’t forget to invite Linda.

A:Ok,Iwill. See you tonight.

B:Seeyou tonight.



9月5日 5

1.Maybeyou should do it again.

2.Maybeyou should tell her about it.

3.Maybeyou should say sorry to her.

4.Maybeyou should try Crazy English.


A:Oh,I’velearned English for a long time。But I can’t speak out.

B:Youcan speak better with LiYang Crazy English.

A:Oh,Letme have a try.


9月8日 6

1.Findinga good job is not easy these days.

2.Sayingis easy, Doing is difficult.

3.Drivingis exciting.

4.Lyingis a bad habit.


A:Ihave good news

B:Whatis it?

A:Iwent to work yesterday.

B:Wow!Now it's not easy to find a job.

You must work hard.

A:I'msure I will. Here.



9月9日 7

1.Iprefer hot weather to cold weather.

2.Iprefer tea to coffee.

3.Iprefer swimming to running.

4.Iprefer winter to summer.


A:It’stoo hot today.

B:Yeah!Butwe could go swimming.

A:Iprefer hot weather to cold weather.

B:Ifelt the same way.


9月10日 8

1.Youlook so beautiful today.

2.Youlook nice.

3.Youlook good.

4.Youlook great.


A:Youknow, you look so beautiful today.

B:Thanks,you look great too.



9月11日 9

1.Don’tlet me down.

2.Don’tgive up.

3.Don’twaste time.

4.Don’tworry about it.


A:I’dlike you to do this for me.

   Don’t let me down.

B:No problem.



9月12日 10

1.Iguess it’s going to rain.

2.Iguess you are right.

3.Iguess I need a doctor.

4.Iguess he won’t come.


A:Wouldyou like to play badminton?

B:Iguess it’s going to rain today.

   Maybe next time.

9月16日 11

1.Ipromise I won’t do it again.

2.Ipromise I won’t do anything stupid.

3.Ipromise I’ll never lie again.

4.Ipromise to pay you back.


A:MayI come in?

B:Comein please.

  Why areyou so late again?

A:I’msorry; I promise I won’t do it again.

9月17日 12

1.I’mcrazy about American movies.

2.I’mcrazy about learning English.

3.I’mcrazy about Chinese food.

4.I’mcrazy about sports.


A:Whatkind of food do you like most?

B:I’mcrazy about Chinese food.



918 13

1.Ican’t afford to go out to eat every night.

2.Ican’t afford to live in a big city.

3.Ican’t afford to travel abroad.

4.Ican’t afford to buy a house.



B:Hi.Oh, thank you. Do you live here?

A:It’srented. I can’t afford to buy a house.


919 14

1.I’m dying to go home.

2.I’mdying to hear your news.

3.I’mdying to speak good English.

4.I’mdying to take a vacation.

A:Ihaven’t seen John for a long time.

B:Yes,I miss him too.

I’m dying to see him again.



922 15

1.How long have you beenlearning English?

2.Howlong have you been working here?

3.Howlong have you been staying in China?

4.Howlong have you been waiting?


A:You speak English very well.

B:Thank you very much.

A:How long have you been studying English?

B:5 years.



923 16

1.Thankyou for encouraging me.

2.Thankyou for teaching me English.

3.Thankyou for your advice.

4.Thankyou for your support.


A:How did your exam go?

B:I don’t know yet.

A:I’m sure you did well.

B:Thank you for encouraging me.


924 17

1.Am I allowed to smoke here?

2.AmI allowed to park here?

3.AmI allowed to sit here?

4.AmI allowed to use your car tonight?


A:Am I allowed to smoke here?

B:Oh, I’m sorry ,I’m afraid It’s not allowed here.

A:Ok , Forget it.


925 18

1.Let me know if you changeyour mind.

2.Letme know if you need money.

3.Letme know if anything goes wrong.

4.Letme know if there’s any difficulty.


A:I’m leaving for a long time.

B:Well, if you run into any trouble, please let me know.

A:I will, Don’t worry.


926 19

1.Areyou sure you can make it?

2.Areyou sure you know how to get there?

3.Areyou sure you can manage it yourself?

4.Areyou sure you really love her?


A:Are you sure you can make it?

B:I think I can.


927 20

1.Is it okay for me to call you tonight?

2.Is it okay for me to come on Wednesday?

3.Is it okay for me to hand in my paper tomorrow?

4.Is it okay for me to ask her out?


A:I should be leaving now.

B:Can you stay a little long?

A:Maybe another time.

B:Is it okay for me to call you tonight?

A: Sure.




107 21

1.It was kind of strange.

2.It was kind of boring.

3.It was kind of a surprise.

4.It was kind of exciting.


A:What’s wrong? Are you okay?

B:Well, This was kind of boring.

A:Why don’t we go get some drinks?


A:Let’s go.

B:Ok, Let’s go.


108 22

1.I know you’ll be able to take care of it.

2.I’ll take care of everything.

3.I’m afraid I don’t take care of this.

4.I’ll leave this in your care.


A:What do you think of this project?

B:Oh, I know you’ll be able to take care of it.

A:Thanks for you saying that.


109 23

1. I know very little about China

2. I know very little aboutcomputer.

3. I know very little aboutfootball.

4. I know very little aboutwestern music.

5. I know very little aboutEnglish grammar.

6. I know very little abouther.


A: Nabil, Can you tell mesomething about Africa.

B: Africa!I know very little about Africa.

A: That’s too bad.


1010 24

1. Don’t make fun of me.

2. Don’t make fun of myEnglish.

3. Don’t tell me what to do.

4. Don’t make a fool ofyourself.

5. Don’t judge a book by itscover.

6. Don’t count on it.


A: Nabil,You know, Korean isvery difficult to learn, I don’t think I can speak good Korean.

B: Ah,Don’t give up, I thinkyour Korean’s really good.

A: Really! Thank you.


1013 25

1. Can/could you tell me your name?

2. Can you tell me why youcame to China?

3. Can you tell me how tostudy English?

4. Can you tell me what Ishould do?

5. Can you tell me somethingabout your company?

6. Can you tell me how tobecome a successful person?


A: Can you tell me yourname?

B: Sure,My name is ChengLong.I am afarmer from China.

A: What part of China?

B: Hefei

A: Hefei? My name is Nabil. I am a farmer fromAmerican.


1014 26

1. Do you remember me?

2. Do you remember meetingme in Beijing?

3. Do you remember how tosay this in English?

4. Do you remember what Ishould do?

5. Do you remember hertelephone number?

6. Do you remember beinghere before?


A: Nabil, Do you rememberme?

Wemet in Guangzhou2 years ago.

B: Yuan Yuan.

A: You got it.

B: I remember you. But youlook different.

Didyou change your hair style.

A: Yeah, I changed my hairstyle.

1015 27

1. Do you enjoy your work?

2. Doyou enjoy travelling?

3. Do you enjoy learningEnglish?

4. Do you enjoy speakingEnglish?

5. Do you enjoy meeting newpeople?

6. Do you enjoy watchingmovies?


A: Do you enjoy travelling?

B: I love travelling? Youknow, I’ve been all of China’sprovinces.

A: Ah, That’s good.


1016 28

1.That sounds like fun.

2.That sounds like a good idea.

3.That sounds like a very exciting job.

4.That sounds like something I would be interested in.

5.That sounds like a wonderful place.

6.That sounds like a great vacation.


A: Guess what?

B: What?

A: I’m going to America onsummer vacation.

B: Ah, That sounds like alot of fun.

A: Yeah!


1017 29

1.Tell me about your family.

2.Tell me about your experiences as a CEO.

3.Tell me about how you learned to speak such good English.

4.Tell me about your trip to China.

5.Tell me about your business.

6.Tell me about your country.


A: Hey Nabil, Tell me aboutyour trip to China.

B: Ah, It was fantastic.


1020 30

1. Can you help me with myEnglish?

2. Can you help me with myhomework?

3. Can you help me with mybagsplease?

4. Can you help me withthese directions? 能帮我读一下这个说明书吗?

5. Can you help me withsomething? 能帮我个忙吗?

6. Can you help me with aproblem?


A: Can you help me with myEnglish?

B: Sure, I’d be glad to.What do you need help with?

A: This one.

B: Okay.


1021 31

1.I’m afraid I must be going .

2.I’m afraid it’s too late.

3.I’m afraid you’re wrong.

4.I’m afraid there’s no hope.

5.I’m afraid I can’t do this for you.

6.I’m afraid he won’t come.


A:I’m afraid I must be going now.

B:That’s too bad, Can you stay a little longer.

A:I’m afraid, I can’t. I wish I could. Maybe next time.


1022 32

1.I had a really bad day.

2.I’m really sorry.

3.You’re really lucky.

4.The exam was really difficult.

5.He’s working really hard.

6.I really need your help.


A:I really had a bad day today.

B:Really! I’m sorry to hear that. What happened?

A:I was late this morning.

B:That’s awful. Try to be earlier next time.

A:Ok, I will.

1023 33

1.Why don’t you join us?

2.Why don’t you try?

3.Why don’t you do as I do?

4.Why don’t you listen to me?

5.Why don’t you learn English?

6.Why don’t you work with me?


A:We are going out tonight. Why don’t you join us?

B:I’m really sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I’ve got a lot of work to do tonight

A:Oh, That’s too bad.

B:I’m sorry about that.


1024 34

1.How can I thank all of you?

2.How can I do this?

3.How can I afford it?

4.How can I accept it?

5.How can I forget it?

6.How can I marry him?


A:You’ve all done so much for me,How can I thank all of you?

B:It was really nothing.


1031 35

1.In my opinion Chinese people are very friendly.

2.In my opinion we shouldn’t buy that stock(股票)

3.In my opinion she is a very capable woman.

4.In my opinion we should be more careful.

5.In my opinion English is easy.

6.In my opinion he is an excellent teacher.


A:Nabil, What’s your impression of Chinese people?

B:In my opinion, Chinese people are very friendly; As a matter of fact they’rethe friendliest people in the world. especially the farmers from shaoguan.


113 36

1.What are you doing this weekend?

2.What are you doing tonight?

3.What are you doing after graduation?

4.What are you doing this summer?

5.What are you doing later this afternoon?

6.What are you doing after work?


A:What are you doing after work? Are you going out?

B:No, I’m not going to go out. I’ll probably just stay home.


114 37

1.Are you satisfied with my work?

2.Are you satisfied with your new job?

3.Are you satisfied with your marriage?

4.Are you satisfied with your progress English?

5.Are you satisfied with the results?

6.Are you satisfied with your life?


A: Areyou satisfied with my work?

B:Extremely satisfied. You did a great job.

A:Really? Thank you.


115 38

1.That’s wonderful !

2.Kim is a wonderful teacher.

3.She has a wonderful personality.

4.That’s a wonderful idea.

5.My mother is a wonderful woman.

6.Chinais a wonderful country.


A:Hey Nabil, Wilsonguess what?

B:I got a scholarship, I’m so happy!


C:That’s wonderful.

A:I think so.


116 39

1.I’m tired of my life.

2.I’m tired of studying all the time.

3.I’m tired of your excuses.

4.I’m tired of doing the something all of the time.

5.I’m tired of looking at your face.

6.I’m tired of her complaining.我讨厌她总是抱怨。


A:I’m going crazy. I’m tired of my life. It’s so boring.

B:If you are tired of your life. You should do something about it.

A: Yeah, complainingwon’t solve anything. You have got to try something new and exciting Do some aerobicexercise. It maybe helpful.

B:I hope sure.


117 40

1.Would you like to have dinner with me?

2.Would you like to get together this weekend?

3.Would you like to see a movie tonight?

4.Would you like to try some Beijingduck?

5.Would you like to know how to improve your English?

6.Would you like to meet my family?


A:Yuan, yuan, would you like to have dinner with me tonight.

B:I would love to have dinner With you.

A:Great, Let’s go.

B:Let’s go.


1110 41

1.Would you like some coffee?

2.Would you like some water?

3.Would you like some advice?

4.Would you like some help?

5.Would you like some more time?

6.Would you like something to drink?


A:Hey Wilson,Would you like some coffee?

B:That would be great.

A:Okay, Wait here, I’ll bring you some.


1111 42

1.I believe you can make it.

2.I believe Chinais a very pretty country.

3.I believe anything is possible.

4.I believe I’m the best.

5.I believe that children are the future.

6.I believe we are doing the right thing.


A:So how’s everything with your new job?

B:It’s so so. You know everything’s still up in the air.

A:I believe you can make it! Cheer up!

B:Okay, I believe your are right.


1112 43

1.Do you know what I mean?

2.Do you know who she is?

3.Do you know his background?

4.Do you know anything about America?

5.Do you know what to do?

6.Do you know how old he is?


A:Do you know what I mean?

B:I know exactly what you mean?



1113 44

1.As a matter of fact, I don’t really like American food.

2.As a matter of fact, Beijingis the best city I have ever visited.

3.As a matter of fact, I’m leaving tomorrow night.

4.As a matter of fact, I don’t really like living in big cities.

5.As a matter of fact, you’re right.

6.As a matter of fact, I have been studying English for twenty years.


A: Hey Wilson, Let’s go to McDonald’s andget a hamburger.

B: As a matter offact, I don’t really like American food, It’s garbage, Let’s try some Chinesefood.

A:All right.

B:Let’s go.


1114 45

1.I’m exhausted. (疲惫的)

2.I’m tired.

3.I’m sleepy.

4.I’m hungry.

5.I’m thirsty.

6.I’m broke.

7.I’m starving.

8.I’m finished.


A: Oh,I’m exhausted.

B:Did you have a tough day today?

A:Yes, I did, Oh, thank you.


1117 46

1.Why are you back so early?

2.Why are you always late?

3.Why are you so upset?

4.Why are you so excited?

5.Why are you sick? (病)


A:Why are you back so early?

B:Tonight’s meeting was cancelled.


1118 47

1.I’d like to meet your daughter someday.

2.I’d like to speak to Mr. lee.

3.I’d like to talk to you for a minute.

4.I’d like to know more about your company.

5.I’d like to make a reservation. [ˌrezəˈveiʃən]我想订票。

6. I’d like to deposit [diˈpɔzit] somemoney. 我想存点钱。


A:My daughter is very obedient in school.

B:Really? I’d like to meet your daughter someday.

A:OK, Ok.


1119 48

1.I felt the same way.

2.The same to you.

3.It’s all the same.

4.We work in the same company.

5.We went to the same university.

6.Let’s meet at the same time tomorrow.


A:This project is very important for us.

B:I think exactly[igˈzæktli]the same way.


1120 49

1.Are you kidding me?

2.Are you trying to cheat me?

3.Are you trying to kill me?

4. Are you challenging me?

5.Are you free tomorrow?

6.Are you married?   

7. Are you used to the food here?


A:You know what? I lost my job today.

B:Are you kidding me?


1121 50

1.I’m sure, you’ll enjoy it.

2.I enjoy losing face.

3.I enjoy yelling English.

4.I enjoy working with all of you.

5.I enjoy teaching.

6.I enjoy helping people.

7.I enjoy watching TV.

8.I enjoy everyday of my life.

9.I enjoy working with you very much.


A:I’m going to see the new movie tonight.

B:Really? I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.


1124 51

1.May I use the phone?

2.May I ask you a question?

3.May I use your bathroom?

5.May I ask you something?

6. May I have a receipt?  我可以要一张收据吗?

7. May I have your name, please?  请问你叫什么名字?

8. May I pay by credit card?  我可以用信用卡付款吗?

9. May I try it on?  我能试穿一下吗?


A: MayI use your phone?

B:Sure, Go Ahead.

A:Thank you very much.


1125 52

1.That’s a great idea.

2.That’s a good idea.

3.That’s a neat idea.

5.That’s a nice idea.

6.That’s a wonderful idea.

7.That’s a great suggestion.

8.That sounds great.

9.How about eating out tonight? That sounds like a great idea.



B:Do you want to go out tonight.

A:Well, That sounds like a neat idea. How about a movie?


B:Ok, Let’s meet at 8:00


1126 53

1.How’s everything here?

2.Everything is ok.

3.Everything is ready.

5.Everything is going fine.

6.Thank you for everything.

7.Everything’s taken good care of.

8.Everything will be just fine.

9.You are everything to me.

10.Money is everything to him.

11.Tell me everything about it.


A:Hi, How’s everything here?

B:Everything is great.

A:Take a seat.



1127 54

1.Isn’t it a small world?

2.Isn’t it a lovely place?

3.Isn’t it a coincidence?

5.Isn’t it a wonderful idea?

6.Isn’t it an interesting story?

7.Isn’t it a strange dream?

8.Isn’t it a silly question?

9.Isn’t it a mystery?

10.Isn’t it a something?

11.Isn’t it a miracle?

12.It’s really something.


A:Isn’t it a small world?

B:Yes, It’s a small world.


1128 55

1.I’m sorry, I’m so late.

2.I’m sorry I can’t come.

3.I’m sorry I can’t help you.

5.I’m sorry I overslept.

6.I’m sorry I lost your book.

7.I’m sorry I dialed the wrong number.

8.I’m sorry I took you for someone else.

9.I’m sorry I have to cancel the appointment.

10.I’m sorry I forgot to tell you.

11.I’m sorry I didn’t notice you.

12.I’m sorry I forgot your name.


A:I’m sorry I’m so late.

B:That’s ok, But next time be sure to be on time, please.

A:Ok, All right.


121 56

1.I’m really glad to see you.

2.Good to see you (again).

3.Pleased to see you(again).

5.Glad to see you again.

6.I’m really glad to meet you.

7.Nice to meet you.

8.Pleased to meet you.

9.it’s so nice to meet you.

10.It’s a pleasure to meet you.

11.I’m very glad to meet you.

12.Nice talking to you.

13.It was a pleasure meeting you.

14.it’s been nice talking to you.


A:Long time no see.

B:Yeah, It’s really glad to see you.

A:Me, too.


122 57

1.How are you doing,Jane?

2.How are you?

3.How do you do?

5.How is everything with you?

6.How is everything going?

7.How is everything around you?

8.How is the world around you?

9.How is life treating you?

10.How have you been?

11.How is your family? (mother,daughter,brother)

12.How is your mother doing?


A:Hi, Ben.

B:Hi, Jack, How are you doing?

A:Great, How about you?

B:I’m very good.

A:Cool, take a seat.



123 58

1.How about a cup of coffee?

2.How about some beer?

3.How about seeing a movie tonight?

5.How about having a picnic this weekend?

6.How about eating out tonight?


A:How about a cup of coffee?

B:That would be great.


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